Welcome to the new BrickSeek Deals page, your home for finding deals! Under the Deals dropdown menu you'll find quick links to Today's Deals, Newest Deals in My Stores, Newest Online Deals, Best Selling Deals, Deals by Store, as well as some shortcuts to some of the most popular categories. When you are using any of our Deals features you will have many powerful filters to allow you to narrow down the deals to find items quickly and easily. You can filter deals down by type; Online, in your local My Stores, Used (Amazon Warehouse), or even by a specific local retail store. You can also specify price budgets, brands, categories, or by specific retailers as well as create BrickSeek Deal Alerts right on the Deals pages. Our improved BrickSeek Homepage and search engine are also powered by our new BrickSeek Deals Experience!
As a BrickSeek One member you have access to the many different Deals features, which you can quickly and easily access by simply hovering over the Deals menu dropdown and then selecting which feature you'd like to use. You can also access them from the BrickSeek Homepage or by using the search bar. For example purposes, let's take a look at the Featured Deals, which we can find on the BrickSeek Homepage.
You will notice that the many Deals features look and feel similar to make your deal finding experience simple and easy. They'll all offer powerful filters, sorting methods, and more informative deal tiles.
To learn more about each Deals feature specifically, you can view their specific guides here:
BrickSeek Deal Alerts can be as specific or generic as you choose. If you are looking for a deal on any Apple products, you can create a Deal Alert on the brand itself. You can also create them for specific categories or subcategories that you choose. They allow you to create them for specific deal types like online, in your local My Stores, Amazon Warehouse finds, or all of them.
For the Alert Sensitivity option you have the options of Good Deals, Great Deals, and Amazing Deals.