Using BrickSeek

What is a UPC vs a SKU vs a DPCI, and how do I find them?

A UPC is the barcode found on all products, no matter where you buy them. The UPC code is the number printed below the barcode:

SKU stands for “Stock Keeping Unit” and is used by some retailers to manage their inventory systems. Walmart and CVS are best known for using SKUs to track their inventory.

To search by SKU on the Walmart Inventory Checker, locate the item’s SKU on in the search bar:

To search by SKU on the CVS Inventory Checker, locate the item’s SKU on in the Product Details:

DPCI stands for “Department – Class – Item” and is used by some retailers to manage their inventory systems. Target is best known for using DPCIs to track their inventory.

To search by DPCI on the Target Inventory Checker, locate the item’s DPCI on in the Product Details: