
BrickSeek Members Are Scoring Huge Savings!

Bethany H.

Here at BrickSeek, we find the best deals before anyone else, so our members get first access to the biggest savings! Don't just take our word for it—check out these real-life deals that were scored by our amazing community of deal hunters!

Instant Deal Alerts
One of BrickSeek's most powerful features is our Deal Alerts. You'll be immediately notified when there's a deal that matches your criteria, so you never miss out on savings.

Remy's Story:

"I received a deal alert for these 12.5-ounce Lysol disinfectant sprays at my local Home Depot . . . I paid around $16 with tax instead of $153.86 and donated them to my local hospital!"

Easy Pickups & Online Deals
Discover awesome Pickup and Online deals with ease. Just search for an item on BrickSeek, and we'll take you directly to the retailer's site to complete your purchase and secure those savings!

Ashley's Story:

Ashley saved $748.74 on this utility trailer by using BrickSeek to order online and pick up in-store!

"So excited for this pickup!! All thanks to BrickSeek."

Rozetta's Story:

Rozetta used BrickSeek to find this iRobot Roomba i4 self emptying vacuum on Amazon Warehouse. BrickSeek saved her $530!

"Love iRobot! Paid $119 Saved $530!!"

In-Store Deals
Many BrickSeekers find great deals in-store thanks to features like our Shopping List and Inventory Checkers, which alert you to deals on specific items at local stores near you.

Emma's Story:

"BrickSeek helped me save over $90 on laundry detergent! I noticed them dropping in price and added them to my shopping list. When one of my local stores started clearancing out their Tide and Gain, BrickSeek immediately sent a Deal Alert right to my phone. I jumped in the car and headed straight to the store. I scored ten huge jugs of laundry detergent for just $29.47! I still can’t believe it. BrickSeek has helped me save so much money on household essentials that I have to be buying anyways… THANK YOU BRICKSEEK!”

Not a Member? Join BrickSeek One to Start Saving Today!

With BrickSeek One, you can save hundreds of dollars in a single order. Ready to experience the power of BrickSeek One for yourself? Join our community of savvy shoppers today, and start living life at half price -- with BrickSeek!

Bethany H.

Content Director at BrickSeek
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Bethany H.

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