
Amazon Prime Day is Here!

Bethany H.

One of the most anticipated online shopping events of the year is Amazon Prime Day, and it usually falls around the middle of July. This year, however, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Prime Day has been postponed for months. But great news! Prime Day will begin tonight, October 13 at 12am PT, and will run through October 14.

On Prime Day, you can take advantage of thousands of deals, from kitchen appliances to diapers to electronics. As the name suggests, many of the best deals on Prime Day are reserved for Prime members. If you’ve got an existing Prime membership, you’re already set to take full advantage of this sale event, including Lightning Deals, which offer the best discounts. If you’re not a Prime member yet, you can sign up today for a 30-day free trial of Prime, which at this point will overlap with Prime Day, and allow you full access to all deals.

Make sure to bookmark the Amazon Deal Page, and check it frequently on Prime Day so that you don’t miss any of the great ways to save.

And don’t forget to look for competing sales at other major retailers on Prime Day, as well.  Stores like Walmart and Target will offer big discounts of their own in an attempt to bring your business their way. Check out our blog post here to find out how you can sometimes save even more by shopping at one of these competitors!

BrickSeek has once again partnered with WFSB for their Money Monday series, where we discussed Amazon Prime Day and how to get the best deals. Check us out below!

Bethany H.

Content Director at BrickSeek
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Bethany H.

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