
Target and Walmart Set to Take on Amazon’s Prime Day

Alicia F.

No Pants, No Problem— In the last few years, we have watched online shopping progress rapidly, and we only expect to see this trend intensify as we approach Black Friday.

source: https://amazon.com

Amazon’s Prime Day is slated for October 13 and October 14 this year and is sure to offer incredible savings! But other stores are preparing to get in on the action, as well. Yesterday, both Target and Walmart announced their own spectacular savings events.

source: https://corporate.target.com/

According to Target’s corporate site, A Bullseye View, they will be kicking off the holiday shopping early this year with Deal Days. Deal Days will be a 2-day event beginning on October 13. It will feature hundreds of thousands of digital deals, making it a worthy competitor to Amazon’s Prime Day.

These deals are just the start to what Target has in store for this holiday season. In Tuesday’s press release, Christina Hennington, executive vice president and chief merchandising officer for Target said, “By kicking off our holiday deals earlier than ever, offering Black Friday pricing throughout the full month of November and extending our Price Match Guarantee, we’re letting guests know they don’t need to wait or face the crowds to get the best deals, all with no membership fees required.”

In the past, Walmart has also launched deals to rival Prime Day, and this year is no different! Walmart.com will be hosting their “Big Save” event beginning Sunday, October 11 at 7 p.m. EST. The event is set to run through Thursday, October 15 and is promising Black Friday like savings! The Big Save event is online only, featuring low prices on popular items from Walmart like this Pioneer Woman Instant Pot which will be marked down to $49.99. Other deals include electronics, toys, home, beauty, fashion, and more.

Macy’s, Best Buy and Home Depot have all announced plans to start their holiday savings early this year, as well!

Alicia F.

Creative Director
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Alicia F.

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