
We're Bringing the Updates to You

Alek S.

Today I’m happy to announce the release of our all new Notification Center, as well as the release of a totally redesigned Daily Update email. This release is all about delivering new and relevant content directly to you.

Notification Center

Following the recent introduction of Online Deal Alerts, we realized that the need for a consolidated view of all past alerts was only growing stronger. Well, we decided that now was the time for it and immediately got to work!

Starting today, each time you visit BrickSeek, you will be greeted by the number of unread notifications that you may have missed since your last visit. We’ve made every effort to keep this design unobtrusive so that it will fit perfectly into your existing deal hunting routine.

Online Deal Alerts, new blog posts, important site announcements, and can’t-miss community activity will all be included in your Notification Center. Additionally, we have plans to expand the Notification Center over time by including notifications for different types of content and — most notably — by making it more relevant and customizable to you and your interests.

We wanted the new Notification Center to feel very familiar for anyone who has previously interacted with one on a different website or mobile app. Here’s an idea of what to expect:

If you haven’t yet, be sure to create at least one Online Deal Alert to really start taking advantage of this exciting new feature!

Redesigned Daily Update Email

The Daily Update email we send to all Premium and Extreme members has become an essential trademark of BrickSeek membership for many of our users. It’s one of our most loved features and one which we’ve taken our time with updating. With this site release, we are finally introducing a redesigned version of the Daily Update email, bringing it more in-line with the overall design of the site itself.

Featured in this newly updated Daily Email is the “Markdowns in My Stores” section, which as the name suggests, is a list of markdowns recently detected in your selected “My Stores.” Below this, you will find sections for Today’s Markdowns, as well as Popular Searches for both Walmart and Target. Last but not least is another new addition to the Daily Update email — a “quick links” section, consisting of links to some of the most frequented areas of the site.

Here’s an idea of what the newly redesigned Daily Update Email will look like. (Please note that this is only meant to serve as an example. The actual email will include additional sections for Today’s Markdowns and Popular Searches at both Target and Walmart.)

Enhancements to Online Deal Alerts

Online Deal Alerts are off to a great start! Many of our users are already enjoying the benefit of being the first to know about newly posted online deals. We’ve been steadily expanding the list of eligible categories for Online Deal Alerts and are happy to announce several subtle yet notable enhancements we’ve made to increase your ability to create new alerts.

More specifically, you will now be able to create new Online Deal Alerts while browsing the Deals Page and also while viewing individual deals. (While viewing an individual deal, this new button will only be displayed if the deal itself is in a category which supports Online Deal Alerts).

Additionally, as a result of the growing list of available Online Deal Alert categories, we decided to redesign the category selection process to be more organized and searchable.

Newly redesigned category selection process

Deals page featuring the newly added button for creating an online deal alert

Individual deal page featuring the newly added button for creating an online deal alert

For a more comprehensive list of what’s new and what’s changed, check out our official release notes page — BrickSeek Release Notes.

Alek S.

Head of Development at BrickSeek
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