
Walmart Announces First-Ever Car Seat Trade-In Event

Alicia F.
Photo courtesy of: Walmart.com

Have you heard about Walmart’s first-ever car seat trade-in event? Now Walmart (along with Target and other retailers) is doing their part to keep car seat waste out of our landfills. Walmart has partnered with TerraCycle, who will recycle 100% of car seats traded in.

The event, which will run from Sept. 16-30, is part of Walmart’s “Best of Baby Month.” Car Seats that are outgrown, expired, or have been in an accident can be very dangerous. Take your old car seat to the Customer Service desk at a participating Walmart, and you will receive a $30 gift card to use toward a new baby purchase! There is a limit of 2 gift cards per household, and booster seats are not eligible for trade-in.

Click here to learn more and to find out which stores near you are participating. Will you take advantage of this trade-in opportunity? Let us know in the comments below how you’ll spend your $30 gift card!

Alicia F.

Creative Director
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Alicia F.

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