
Tech Buys for Back to School

Bethany H.

Here’s five of our top tech picks to help make the most of this new school year!

1. Wireless Qi Charger

Today’s newest tech oftentimes boasts the ability to charge wirelessly. A wireless Qi charger is small and sits inconspicuously on a desk or nightstand. Simply place your phone, tablet, watch, or other tech gear that can be wirelessly charged on the Qi mat to recharge. Best of all, a single Qi mat eliminates the need to have multiple chargers — no more miles of cord running all over your desk and all of your wall outlets being used.

2. Aroma diffuser

Aroma diffusers are a hot trend right now. Studies have shown that certain scents can affect our mood and our performance, which can certainly be beneficial when trying to study for a test or write a paper. Diffusers come in all different colors and styles and can be tucked away in a corner or put on display as stylish dorm decor.

3. Wireless Speaker

Wireless speakers come in all shapes and sizes. Price points start at around $20 for a small, decent speaker that won’t take up much space on a desk. Higher end models can cost several hundred dollars, but many would argue that the incredible sound quality is worth it.

4. Airpods

Airpods have quickly become a cult classic among Apple users. Wireless and easily portable, they sync via Bluetooth to your iPhone, tablet, or Mac. But did you know that you can also use Airpods with your Android device?! With great sound quality and that kind of versatility, it is no surprise that those who use Airpods swear by them. Pop them in on your way out the door, and turn on some music to make that walk across campus a little more enjoyable.

5. Noise Cancelling Headphones

School is back in session, and that means homework, term papers, and studying. Noise cancelling headphones work by recording the noises going on around you and generating sound waves that are the exact opposite of those noises, thereby effectively silencing them. A pair of noise cancelling headphones can be a helpful studying tool in a rowdy dorm or even a bustling household. Consider investing in a quality pair, as they are great for things like working out and traveling, too!

Bethany H.

Content Director at BrickSeek
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