
Target's Annual Car Seat Trade-In Event

Alicia F.
Photo credit: Target.com

September is Baby Safety Month, and that means that Target’s ever popular Car Seat Trade in Event will be back!

Target has once again partnered with Waste Management to bring this event to almost all of their 1800+ locations. The Car Seat Trade In Event begins on September 3rd and runs through the 13th. During this period, you can bring in any old car seat and in exchange, Target will give you a 20% off coupon good on select baby gear (including car seats and strollers)!

This is a great opportunity to recycle expired, crashed, and out grown seats. Waste Management will then turn the seats into new products like carpet padding, plastic buckets, and steel beams.

Even if you don’t need a coupon for baby gear, this is a great way to recycle your old seats; and I’m sure you can find someone who will gladly use the 20% off!

Do you plan to trade in a seat this year? Have you participated during a past event? What will you use your 20% off coupon on? Let us know in the comments below!

Alicia F.

Creative Director
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Alicia F.

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