
Macy's Has Arrived! Here Are Some Tips to Get You Started

Alicia F.

BrickSeek has long been the definitive Macy’s inventory checker (among many other popular retailers). Recently, however, we were able to introduce Macy’s support for some of our other deal finding tools, including Markdowns by Store, Today’s Markdowns, and Local Markdown Feed! We wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate by giving you a few tips on how to make the most out of your next trip to your local Macy’s.

What is Last Act?

Macy’s refers to their clearance items as Last Act. You can find steep discounts off of the original price by shopping these deals. Depending on your location, Last Act items can be found in individual departments and/or in a storewide Last Act section. They often include many name brand items, as well! Like other retailers, their clearance items are marked down in stages.

Know Your Tags

The Macy’s markdown schedule can be quite predictable, if you know what to look for. Both the color of price tags and the prices themselves can be used to determine whether an item will be marked down again or if this is the lowest price for which the item will be sold.

Blue ticketed items often have a discount ranging from around 50% – 75% off and will always have a price ending in the number 3 . This is a great deal if you love the item; but if you can manage to wait, you will likely be seeing another even deeper discount on that item before too long.

Yellow tags are used to indicate a final markdown, which means items with this tag will not be marked down again. Their prices will always end in the number 6 and typically come with discounts of more than 70% off. Notice the edges of the blue tags just barely visible behind the yellow tags? This perfectly illustrates how these items went from MSRP, to having a blue tag, to their final markdown price as indicated by the yellow tag.

Lastly, if you find an item with a white ticket in a Last Act section, it is a recent price change. The price will actually be lower than what the tag shows; it just hasn’t been changed yet. You can take the item to a price check kiosk to check the current clearance price. BrickSeek will also reflect the correct price.

One Last Thing

Something to remember about Last Act items is that their price is so low that Macy’s will not accept coupons on them. You also only have up to 30 days to return any Last Act purchases.

Here’s a Few Deals to Get You Started

Alicia F.

Creative Director
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Alicia F.

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