
Halloween Steals and Deals

Bethany H.

Whether you have children of your own or hand out candy to the ones who live in your neighborhood, Halloween can quickly turn expensive.  Here are a few tips to help you save this holiday!

DIY Costumes

Use what you already have lying around the house to make your own costumes! Old clothes, everyday makeup, or even regular household items can make a great costume. Consider visiting a thrift store or consignment shop to find cheap accessories or props.

Host a Costume Swap

If you have friends with children of the same age as yours or belong to any clubs or play groups, consider trading costumes with other parents. Since costumes are only worn once, they are usually in excellent condition. This is a great way to save money on a Halloween essential.

Buy “Dress Up” Clothes

Depending on the character, you might be able to buy your costume from the “dress up” clothes section of your store’s toy department. These outfits are usually much cheaper than the seasonal costumes found in the Halloween section of the store.

Buy Pumpkins from the Grocery Store

Skip the trip to your local pumpkin patch, where the cost of picking a pumpkin and all the associated activities can cost a bundle.  Instead, buy your pumpkins from the grocery store, where they are significantly cheaper.

Save on Decor with Colored Lightbulbs

Save on your Halloween decor by swapping out the lights on your front porch with colored lightbulbs.  Bulbs of all different colors can be purchased at your local home improvement or big box store and are a cheap way to set the tone for trick-or-treating and save big on your Halloween decor.

Hand Out Something Other Than Candy

Buying candy can get super expensive, especially when you have a lot of trick-or-treaters. Consider handing out stickers, pencils, or cheap prizes that you can buy at your local dollar store instead.  Kids get a ton of candy during Halloween as it is, and it’s nice to get something different in the mix.

Another great way to save on your Halloween costume is to check out the BrickSeek Forums and follow the thread devoted to Amazon Warehouse Open Box costumes! There are some great costumes to be had for super cheap prices! Drop us a comment below and let us know how you plan to celebrate and save on Halloween this year!

Bethany H.

Content Director at BrickSeek
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Bethany H.

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