
Doodle Pants - Imaginative Apparel for Kids

Bethany H.

Last month, we introduced our Small Business Partnership Program and began collaborating with online businesses across the country in an effort to bring new deal content to you, as well as to help drive traffic to some fellow online companies.

Doodle Pants crafts adorable clothing for babies and toddlers and is one of the first companies we partnered with for the Program. Check out some of their super cute leggings and 3D hoodies, and keep reading to find out how you can save 35% off your order!

At Doodle Pants, every product is designed with your family in mind. We strive to offer products that are both functional and fun, providing practical use as everyday outfits, while also incorporating an imaginative experience for the young wearer.

Especially during these times, when parents are finding themselves at home not sure how to best foster their children’s learning outside of a traditional educational environment, Doodle Pants 3D hoodies offer a great segue into learning about and experiencing a variety of animals and creatures. Not only will our hoodies keep the kiddos warm and cozy, they can be incorporated into themed lessons or can help spark a child’s interest in learning about wildlife.

What’s also great about our products and hoodies is their longevity and versatility. They can be used for everyday wear and will undoubtedly attract attention out in public, but they can also be saved or used for Halloween time when you’re looking for a unique, easy costume. Our 3D hoodies let the wearer dress up as their favorite creature or animal — 3D ears, tails, horns and all!

We realize that this is a time of financial uncertainty for a lot of families, and we are committed to making our products available to everyone by providing a discount code through BrickSeek (BRICKSEEK35 for 35% off), as well as hosting weekly sales on our website on our most popular product sets.

If you are in search of something for your little one that checks all the boxes — something cost effective, fun and cute, that your child will actually get full use out of — look no further than Doodle Pants!

Did you buy something for your little one from Doodle Pants? Have you snagged a great deal from one of our other partnered small businesses? Leave a comment down below and let us know!

Bethany H.

Content Director at BrickSeek
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Bethany H.

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