
Does BrickSeek Work? - The BrickSeek Snapshot

Austin Vanderer

Browsing the different deals feeds on BrickSeek is a great way to find items you’re interested in purchasing. But once you see an item that interests you, you want to make sure it’s the best possible deal out there across all the different retailers that carry that item. This is where the BrickSeek Snapshot comes into play.

An item’s Snapshot page contains all of its pertinent information. You can instantly look at the item’s pricing across all of our supported retailers, both online and in your local stores. It also contains product reviews and ratings and the item’s Pricing Records. All of this information ensures you are able to make informed buying decisions and are able to purchase the item at the best possible price.

View local pricing across all retailers in your area. This item shows the pricing and availability at Target, Office Depot, Lowes, and Walmart.

The Snapshot page will show you both online and local offers for an item in one quick view. The current online deals will be listed out with each site’s best price, and you will be able to view all local store results near a specific zip code, making price comparison a breeze.

This product had an online deal for $189 that has since expired. The item is currently available locally for $269. You may want to wait to purchase this item until a better deal arises.

There are so many ways to purchase things nowadays, and we strive to make these buying decisions easier for you. The BrickSeek Snapshot does just that. Whether you’re looking to make a purchase online or in your local store, always check in with BrickSeek first to make sure that you are getting the best possible deal!

Austin Vanderer

Head of Marketing and Strategic Growth
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Austin Vanderer

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