
Does BrickSeek Work? - Markdowns by Store

Austin Vanderer

Searching for deals can at times be a frustrating and tedious process, and there are many ways to go about this adventure. Deal hunting can oftentimes be hit-or-miss, which can lead to people asking whether BrickSeek is accurate or how BrickSeek works.

This “Does BrickSeek Work?” series will look to address many of the common questions that come up during the deal hunting process, and how the tools we provide aim to give you a head start in that process. Equipping yourself with the most information and organizing it in a way that is easy to digest is what we are focused on providing.

The Markdowns by Store feature is an incredibly useful tool when looking for deals within specific local stores. If there are only a few stores you like to frequent, this is a great way to focus in on the deals and availability specific to these locations. Whether you’re on a deal-seeking trip or a quick run to the store for routine essentials, make sure to browse the Markdowns by Store pages before you go.

I often find myself scanning this page before I get out of my car and head into the store. Sometimes I’ll find a deal on detergent or some snack food, or pick up a TV or other electronic that just dropped (whether or not I needed it is another discussion). Other times, there may be nothing I need; but it puts me at ease to know I didn’t miss a deal that I might have walked right past.

Select Markdowns by Store from menu dropdown
Enter zip code and view stores within this area
View the latest markdowns in that store

Each product on the Markdowns by Store page will show you the New Price, Old Price (the price before the latest drop), MSRP, stock status, and the time it was last discounted. These details should give you enough information to determine whether the deal is right for you. If you need more information about the deal, click on the item to view additional details on the Inventory Checker or BrickSeek Snapshot pages.

With the amount of products out there, we understand it is imperative to give you the easiest way to view deals that are relevant to you. The Markdowns by Store pages do just that. Leave us a comment below to let us know the best deal you’ve found using this feature!

*Markdowns by Store is a Premium feature

Austin Vanderer

Head of Marketing and Strategic Growth
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Austin Vanderer

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