
Building Stronger Communities with BrickSeek!

Alicia F.

On December 15, BrickSeek’s Head of Customer Success, John O’Keefe-Myrick, took to our Forums to challenge our BrickSeek members to help out their communities by donating items to their local toy drives. “This is last minute but worth the effort,” he wrote. It was certainly worth the effort, as we had a great deal of participants, many of them posting to our Forums for the first time!

Deal Editor Carrie kicked off the donation post with a photo of her daughter donating to Toys For Tots. John and his daughters quickly followed with some clearance Legos that he found the month before.

Plenty followed suit donating to Toys For Tots and many other great organizations.

Premium Member Twinkltoes11257 wrote, “This is the first year we’ve known about BrickSeek. We started hitting toy clearances in July, anticipating a big need this year because of COVID. Thanks to BrickSeek, we were able to help 3 angel tree babies, donate toys to our police department you drive, provide gifts for a family of 4 with an unforeseen medical issue and a sweet new teenage mom. We still have some left to give away, too!! . . . I’m so glad he’s [2 year old] getting to learn about giving, this Christmas!”

Premium Member angellisa67 organizes a giving tree for her town where she and her sons wrapped over 600 gifts! “I do it all,” she wrote, “applications, master list, create tags, wrap gifts, deliver gifts . . . 143 kids, 55 families.”

Ashleyhutson1991 saw a Ghost Busters vehicle collecting for Toys For Tots.

BrickSeek Extreme Member Mhaney03 set up a Christmas Mall at church. She wrote, “BrickSeek, the admin, and community that comes with it, man y’all came in clutch in helping me score the deals that would in turn bless so stinking many!! So thank you!!!”

No, Mhaney03, thank YOU! You have taken the tool that we provide and put in an abundance of effort to serve your community. Your generosity shines!

The donations we saw didn’t stop at toys. Extreme Member Dealfinder2020’s sons started their own candle company and donated their earnings to those in need.

Mabrick, also a BrickSeek Extreme Member, donated $140 worth of scrubs to Dell Children’s Medical Center. “[They’re] for our over worked frontliners that are taking care of our precious kids,” she wrote.

Extreme Member imlooloo used BrickSeek to find 120 discounted Butterball turkeys to donate to families in need.

You can view all of our participants’ donations in our forum post.

Did you make any donations this holiday season? We would love to hear about them in the comments!

Alicia F.

Creative Director
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Alicia F.

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