
Introducing BrickSeek One

Bethany H.

Your Ultimate Savings Revolution is Here!
We're excited to announce the launch of BrickSeek One, the ultimate deal-finding platform that's set to revolutionize the way you shop and save! As we continue to create the latest innovations in smart shopping, we're elevating your deal hunting experience to a whole new level of convenience, speed, and personalization. With exclusive new features designed to put you ahead of the savings game, BrickSeek One is here to ensure you never miss out on a deal again.

Here's why BrickSeek One is your new essential shopping tool:

ONE Site, Millions of Deals - Discover It All with BrickSeek One

  • Lightning-Fast Deal Posting & Real-Time Updates: Our cutting-edge, programmatic approach to sourcing deals sets us apart, with real-time updates that keep you ahead of the savings curve and avoids the unpredictability of user submitted deals. If it's on sale, it's already on BrickSeek One – and if you're seeing it somewhere else, it was probably posted here first. Our streamlined and curated deal flow means a cleaner, more enjoyable deal browsing experience, allowing you to find what you’re looking for faster and with less effort.
  • Customized Savings Journey: Every feature of BrickSeek One, from personalized alerts to our curated daily email digest, is designed to enhance and streamline your shopping experience, making it more enjoyable and efficient.

Unleash the Power of ONE Membership

  • Free Members: Free members will have access to a limited selection of online, pickup, in-store, and used deals across select categories that will rotate daily.
  • BrickSeek One Members: The all-new BrickSeek One membership combines the best features of our old Premium and Extreme plans in a much simpler experience that is catered specifically to you! A powerfully redesigned alert system, a shopping experience tailored to your specific needs, and new features like "Best Selling Deals" will broaden your savings journey. Customize your membership plan with add-on feature packs to meet your exact deal-hunting preferences!

Your ONE Stop for Endless Savings

  • Seamless Local and Online Deal Hunting: Our innovative "My Stores" feature and direct-from-the-source deal postings merge the thrill of local bargains with the convenience of online shopping, creating a personalized deal hunting experience that's completely molded to your individual preferences.
  • One-Click Alerts & The Ultimate Shopping List: Set up instant alerts for anything on your shopping radar and manage your savings goals with ease using our intuitive Shopping List. We do all the heavy lifting and instantly notify you about price drops and availability changes, so you never miss a deal.
  • Your Daily Dose of Savings & All Your Favorites in One Place: Kickstart your day with our Daily Email Digest delivered right to your inbox, featuring top deals tailored to your preferences and location. Plus, enjoy the convenience of shopping all your favorite retailers in one digital spot, thanks to our extensive network of over 15 (and counting) retailer integrations.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform the way you shop and save! With the all-new BrickSeek One, you're not just staying ahead of the game; you're redefining it. Join BrickSeek One today and create your own perfect deal hunt!

Bethany H.

Content Director at BrickSeek
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