
A BrickSeek Baby Shower!

Alicia F.

What do you do when you have a passion for saving money and a passion for your family?

You merge those two together and double the fun! This is exactly what member Tiniya Mills did when she found out that her son and daughter-in-law were expecting a baby. She threw an epic Toy Story Baby Shower while saving BIG –thanks to BrickSeek!

Tiniya’s daughter-in-law, India, knew that she wanted a Toy Story themed shower; and Tiniya made her vision come to life. Colorful balloons were hung from the ceiling, lining the entire room. Themed table cloths and backdrops were draped across the tables and down the walls. Character toys and baby products were displayed on boxes, spelling out the baby’s name. We think she absolutely knocked it out of the park! Maybe even “To Infinity and Beyond!”

Over the course of 9 months, Tiniya used BrickSeek to collect 52 discounted items to use for decor and gifts.

At the end of the shower, Tiniya was even surprised with a gift of her own. Can you guess what it was?


That’s right — grandbaby #2 is due in May; and we cannot wait to see that baby shower!

With four boys of her own, the youngest being only 21, Tiniya didn’t think she was ready for grand babies yet; but she couldn’t be happier and wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Congratulations to the entire family!

Welcome Kameron Elijah Brown.
Born Oct 30, 2019, 7lbs 13oz

Check out the latest trending baby deals, and search for a gift of your own here!

Alicia F.

Creative Director
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Alicia F.

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