
4 Tips to Save on Your Super Bowl Party

Bethany H.

The Super Bowl is almost here, and millions of football fans will be hosting or attending a party to watch the big game. Save some serious cash by following these four party planning tips!

1. Make Your Own Party Trays

Pre-made party trays are one of the most marked up items you can buy for your Super Bowl party or any other event. The mark up on them is insane — sometimes over 200% more expensive than making your own party tray! A basic vegetable tray runs around $12-$15 at your local big box retailer. Buying and prepping your own veggies will cost around $3-$6, a 50%+ savings!

2. Employ the “Buffer Table Master Strategy”

Once you’ve hosted enough parties or attended enough Fourth of July cookouts, you learn a key universal truth:  The stuff at the beginning of the buffet line always runs out first. Take advantage of this fact by placing your less expensive food items at the beginning of the line and your more expensive menu choices at the end.

3. Buy Alcohol from a Warehouse Club

One of my favorite money-saving tips that most people don’t know about is that you can buy your alcohol from many warehouse clubs — like Sam’s Club and some Costcos — without having a membership! The savings here can be huge, especially when you opt for store brand alcohol, such as Costco’s Kirkland label. Whether you’re hosting your own Super Bowl party or need to BYOB to someone’s else’s, take advantage of this shopping hack to save yourself a ton of money on drinks!

4. Stock Up for Game Day and Beyond

Expect to see retailers discount snack foods, soda, and frozen pizzas leading up to the big game. It’s not uncommon to see things like chips and pretzels marked down 50% or more! Take advantage of these low prices and stock up, not just for your Super Bowl party, but for all of your pizza nights and snack times in the weeks and months to follow.

Check us out discussing these party planning tips on KCTV’s Better Kansas City!

Bethany H.

Content Director at BrickSeek
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