
3 Ways to Save on Back-to-School Shopping!

Bethany H.

We recently partnered up with SheFinds (@shefinds) to highlight three easy ways to save on your BTS shopping this school year! Check out these great money saving tips in our latest video collab!

As schools across the nation gear up to reopen both physically and virtually, parents are faced with the challenge of finding good back-to-school deals and savings in the midst of a global pandemic. There are several ways to save on everything back-to-school this year, whether your little ones will be learning from home or from the classroom.

General School Supplies
Pencils, pens, markers, crayons, erasers, notebooks, glue, scissors, staplers, binders, and backpacks.  It’s all going to go on sale at some point this month. Look for steep discounts on the essentials, such as crayons for as low as a quarter a box, pencils for a penny, or glue for less than ten cents. Check out the first page of your local sales circulars to find the best markdowns, and don’t forget that school supplies are something that you will oftentimes find cheaper at an office supply store, rather than a big box retailer.

For students that will be going back to school virtually, there are still plenty of savings to be found on online learning resources, too!

Although it is not the absolute best time of year to buy a laptop (we usually see the best deals around the holidays and shortly thereafter), back-to-school season is the second best time to buy a laptop if you need one. The big box stores, online retailers like Amazon and B&H Photo, as well as the brands themselves like Dell and HP, will offer decent savings on laptops, usually round 10% and sometimes even more. Don’t forget to check your local online yard sale groups, as well as sites like Facebook Marketplace and OfferUp, to find great deals on used laptops, desktops, and tablets right in your local area!

Epic! is the #1 children’s digital library for kids 12 and under, offering access to over 35,000 books for kids, plus learning videos, reading quizzes and more. It’s an unlimited reading library your child can take anywhere! It also has an awesome read-to-me feature for little ones who are still learning to read.
Ages: 2-12
Cost: one-month free trial, then $7.99/month
Get it for: iOS or Android

Bethany H.

Content Director at BrickSeek
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Bethany H.

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